Murthy, S T SrinivasRani, J DhanujaSreepradha, CYadav, SatishDiwakar, S2016-02-262016-02-262013-04Murthy S T Srinivas. Rani J Dhanuja, Sreepradha C, Yadav Satish, Diwakar S. Child Abuse By Burns - A Case Report. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2013 Apr-June; 5(2): 13-15.0975-8798 maltreatment happens in all countries and in families of all racial and religious groups. There are four major types of abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Cutaneous injury is the most common injury caused by abuse. Cutaneous manifestations of physical abuse include bruises, lacerations, abrasions, burns, oral trauma, bite marks and traumatic alopecia. Abuse by burning comprises approximately 6% to 20% of all child abuse cases. Proper evaluation is necessary, because the use of cultural practices does not exclude the potential for child abuse. A 3 year old boy reported with extra oral swelling over the right side of the submandibular region. On clinical examination the boy had well demarcated burn marks at right and left side of submandibular regions. Treatment for lymhadenitis and burnt region was carried out and case reported to psychiatry department for counseling. It is recommonded that the offering of community child abuse educational progrmmes for all professionals including dental professionals, psychiatry, medicine, allied health,nursing, social workers and schools of education by providing literature, posters and handoutsenChild abuseCutaneous manifestationsCultural practicesChild Abuse By Burns - A Case Report.Article