Jagtap, Sunil VitthalraoJain, AkashJagtap, Swati SKshirsagar, Ashok Y2015-02-202015-02-202015-01Jagtap Sunil Vitthalrao, Jain Akash, Jagtap Swati S, Kshirsagar Ashok Y. High-grade myxofibrosarcoma-presented as a large mass of right upper arm. Indian journal of pathology& Microbiology 2015 Jan-Mar 58: (1) 105-107.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/156199Myxofi brosarcoma is one of the rare soft tissue sarcomas. We present a case of a 65-year-old male having large soft tissue mass over right upper arm associated with surface ulceration. On histopathological study tumor was diagnosed as myxofi brosarcoma – high grade according to modifi ed FNCLCC grading system. Like many other tumors of connective tissue, soft tissue sarcoma exhibits high recurrence. In our case, tumor showed features of high grade with local recurrence, large size; however, no evidence of metastasis was noted. For this unpredictable clinical behavior, we are presenting this case.enMyxofi brosarcoma-myxoid type (variant)malignant fi brous histiocytomasoft tissue sarcomaHigh-grade myxofibrosarcoma-presented as a large mass of right upper arm.Article