Suthar, Pokhraj PDoshi, Shreyans MRana, Prakash J2014-05-092014-05-092014-04Suthar Pokhraj P, Doshi Shreyans M, Rana Prakash J. Rasmussen’s encephalitis in an Indian child. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun; 2(2): 772-774. 5 year old boy with history of recurrent seizures and progressive weakness in left upper & lower limb. On MRI scan atrophy of right cerebral hemisphere with prominent right sided sulci & sylvian fissure. Temporal horn of right lateral ventricle appears prominent. Body and genu of corpus callosum appears hypo plastic. Electroencephalography revealed moderate voltage record showing mixed activity comprising ill-defined 8-10 Hz alpha rhythm plus 4-7Hz waves and random background delta components at 3Hz frequency. A clinical diagnosis of focal tonic-clonic epilepsy was made secondary to Rasmussen’s encephalitis, based on the features MRI scan findings of the brain.enPaediatricsCentral nervous systemMRIRasmussen’s encephalitis in an Indian child.Article