Natarajan, ARozario, A2002-01-132009-06-042002-01-132009-06-042002-01-13Natarajan A, Rozario A. Roux loop obstruction following lateral pancreaticojejunostomy masquerading as recurrent pancreatitis. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2002 Jan-Mar; 23(1): 43 episodes of pain following pancreatic drainage is a perplexing problem often faced by the surgeon. The diagnosis and management of this entity is difficult. We report a case of Roux loop obstruction occurring 4 years after a lateral pancreaticojejunostomy (LPJ) for chronic pancreatitis.engAdultAnastomosis, Roux-en-YChronic DiseaseDiagnosis, DifferentialHumansMalePancreaticojejunostomyPancreatitis --diagnosisPostoperative Complications --diagnosisRecurrenceRoux loop obstruction following lateral pancreaticojejunostomy masquerading as recurrent pancreatitis.Case Reports