Bhardwaj, Ashok KumarRaina, Sunil Kumar2015-06-302015-06-302014-01Bhardwaj Ashok Kumar, Raina Sunil Kumar. Understanding pattern and trends in use of tobacco in India. Sub-Himalayan Journal of Health Research. 2014 Jan-June; 1(1): 1-3. smoking has been in vogue for hundreds of years. With the spread of tobacco to Europe and other parts of the world from the sixteenth century, tobacco smoking soon gained popularity in India. Tobacco consumption is responsible for half of all the cancers in men and a quarter of all cancers in women in India.' This is in addition to being a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.2 3 India also has one of the highest rates of oral cancer in the world, partly attributed to high preva lence of tobacco chewing.4-7The World Health Organization predicts that tobacco deaths in India may exceed I .5 million annually by 2020. 8 It has been observed that a signi6cant rural-urban-slum-urban gradient for tobacco use among men as well as women exists in India. There are different, and opposing, trends for use of smoked tobacco (more in rural areas) and smokeless tobacco (more in urban area) among men. However it has been observed that among women, the consumption of smokeless tobacco does not vary significantly.enFemaleHumansIndiaMaleTobacco, Smokeless --utilizationTobacco Products --utilizationTobacco Use --trendsUnderstanding pattern and trends in use of tobacco in India.Article