Nanda, P KSharma, M M1988-04-012009-06-011988-04-012009-06-011988-04-01Nanda PK, Sharma MM. Immediate effect of tobacco chewing in the form of 'paan' on certain cardio-respiratory parameters. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1988 Apr-Jun; 32(2): 105-13 effect of tobacco in the form of chewing was evaluated in 40 healthy males (mean age 26.27 yrs.) not habituated to tobacco, who were given paan containing 200 mg of tobacco to chew (group T). Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1 and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) were measured twice for each subject, once before chewing and again immediately after completion of chewing. Another 24 age and sex matched controls (group C) were given paan without tobacco to chew and cardiorespiratory parameters were recorded as for group T subjects. Electrocardiography was recorded in 10 group T and 10 group C subjects. Effect of tobacco chewing was also evaluated in 10 habitual tobacco chewers. Results showed statistically significant increments in HR and BP as well as a decline in T wave amplitude in ECG following tobacco chewing (group T subjects). The changes in HR and BP lasted for 15-30 mins, as observed in 10 of group T subjects. The FVC, FEV1 and PEFR showed marginal, though non-significant, increments after tobacco chewing. No significant difference in the cardiorespiratory responses to tobacco chewing could be seen between habitual and nonhabitual (group T) tobacco chewers. The changes in cardiovascular and respiratory parameters following paan (without tobacco) chewing in the control subjects were negligible and nonsignificant.engAdultBlood PressureBronchi --physiologyHeart RateHumansMalePlants, ToxicRespirationTobaccoTobacco, SmokelessImmediate effect of tobacco chewing in the form of 'paan' on certain cardio-respiratory parameters.Journal Article