Dajpratham, PiyapatChadchavalpanichaya, Navaporn2009-05-272009-05-272007-11-10Dajpratham P, Chadchavalpanichaya N. Knowledge and practice of physical exercise among the inhabitants of Bangkok. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 2007 Nov; 90(11): 2470-6http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/39145Chotmaihet Thangphaet.OBJECTIVE: To study the knowledge and practice of physical exercise among the inhabitants of Bangkok. The factors correlated with knowledge and the practice of physical exercise, were also explored. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire was designed to survey 1200 inhabitants in Bangkok and the vicinity aged more than 18 years old. RESULTS: One thousand one hundred and seven people aged ranging from 18-81 years old completed the questionnaires (response rate 92.25%). Six hundred and forty people (58.4%) exercised regularly. The exercise was performed 1-2 days per week with varied duration. They performed exercises alone, in their homes, in the evening. They did not report any expenditure on the exercises. Common types of exercise reported were walking, jogging, attending an aerobic exercise class, using an exercise machine, and callisthenic exercise. Two hundred and seven people (18.9%) did not perform exercise at all because of the lack of time. The factors correlated with regular exercise were the increasing age, the high level of education, the amount of free time per day, and the enjoyment of exercise. With relation to knowledge of exercise, most people lacked knowledge of the benefits of exercise rather than how to do exercise and when to stop exercising. People who had a higher educational level than secondary school and a high income, practiced exercise everyday. They acquired their knowledge of exercise from attending an exercise course. CONCLUSION: People living in Bangkok usually performed regular exercises of 1-2 days per week with varied duration. The majority lacked knowledge of the benefits of exercise. Educational level of the samples was the only factor correlated with both regular exercise and knowledge of exercise.engAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAttitude to HealthExercise --physiologyFemaleGeographyHealth BehaviorHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHealth PromotionHealth StatusHealth SurveysHumansMaleMiddle AgedMotor ActivityPilot ProjectsQuestionnairesSocial MarketingThailandKnowledge and practice of physical exercise among the inhabitants of Bangkok.Journal Article