Gadkari, Salil SKulkarni, Sucheta RDole, Kuldeep2015-02-022015-02-022014-07Gadkari Salil S, Kulkarni Sucheta R, Dole Kuldeep. Spontaneous resorption of sub-retinal cortical lens material. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 July ; 62 (7): 824-826. report a rare case of retained sub‑retinal cortical material, which underwent spontaneous resorption. Patient presented with a left eye traumatic retinal detachment with a large retinal tear and posteriorly dislocated cataractous lens. Vitrectomy, lensectomy, silicone oil injection, and endolaser were performed. A good visual result was achieved. The report draws attention to this condition and highlights possible technique for minimizing risk of this complication in similar cases.enSub‑retinal cortexsub‑retinal lens materialcortex resorbtionSpontaneous resorption of sub-retinal cortical lens material.Article