Vaidya, U VBhave, S APandit, A N1995-02-012009-05-271995-02-012009-05-271995-02-01Vaidya UV, Bhave SA, Pandit AN. Parenteral nutrition (PN) in the management of very low birth weight (VLBW) babies--a randomized controlled trial. Indian Pediatrics. 1995 Feb; 32(2): 165-70 five very low birth weight (VLBW) babies with birthweight less than 1250 g were randomly assigned such that 43 received parenteral nutrition (PN) with amino acid based glucose electrolyte solution (Vamin) and lipid emulsion (Intralipid) in the first 16 days of life. The other 42 (control group) received conventional intravenous dextrose with or without electrolytes plus enteral milk regimen. Baseline clinical parameters and neonatal problems encountered in the two groups were similar. There was no significant difference in the mortality rate in the two groups (48.9% in PN group and 42.9% in control group: X2 = 0.3, p > 0.05). The commonest cause of mortality in both the groups was septicemia (16.3% and 26.1% in PN and control groups, respectively). Local complications, sepsis and fluid electrolyte disturbances were similar in the two groups. Azotemia (25.6%), hyperlipidemia (9.3%), metabolic acidosis (9.3%) and prolonged cholestasis (14%) were commoner in the PN group but were reversible with early recognition. Time taken to regain birthweight was also similar in the two groups (X2 = 14.2 and 15.2 days for PN and control groups, respectively). Thus, PN failed to improve the survival or early weight gain in the routine management of the VLBW babies in our unit.engChi-Square DistributionConfidence IntervalsFemaleGlucose --administration & dosageHumansInfant, NewbornInfant, Premature, Diseases --mortalityInfant, Very Low Birth WeightInfusions, IntravenousMaleParenteral Nutrition --adverse effectsSurvival RateParenteral nutrition (PN) in the management of very low birth weight (VLBW) babies--a randomized controlled trial.Clinical Trial