Choudhury, Pradipta RayChoudhury, PurujitBaruah, Prabahita2020-11-182020-11-182020-02Choudhury Pradipta Ray, Choudhury Purujit, Baruah Prabahita. Morphometric Assessment of Human Corpus Callosum on Cadaveric Brain Specimens.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Feb; 9(7): 388-3922278-48022278-4748 callosum is the main commissural tract between the two halves of the brain and assumes an essential job in transferring sensory, motor, and cognitive data from identical regions in the two brain hemispheres. Literature on the issue of the human corpus callosum sexual dimorphism is not universal. Similarly, age related change in corpus callosum measurements is also not consistent.METHODSDifferent diameters of brain and corpus callosum like longitudinal and vertical diameters of brain and length, height, widths of corpus callosum etc. were measured with digital vernier caliper.RESULTS37 brains were collected, out of which 24 were male & 13 were female brains of various ages between 20 years and 70 years of age. Average longitudinal & vertical diameters of brain specimens under study were 158.29 mm and 102.41 mm respectively and average length of corpus callosum was 72.19 mm. Change in length of corpus callosum in relation to gender is not significant with p value >0.05. There is decrease in length of corpus callosum after 65 years of age.CONCLUSIONSPositive linear correlation was observed between length of corpus callosum and the length & vertical diameters of brain. The study has failed to establish statistically significant gender differentiation in the diameters of corpus callosum. Also, there was decrease in the length of corpus callosum (EZ) in 65 years and above age group with decrease in height and width of body as well as splenium of corpus callosum between 50 - 60 years age group.Corpus CallosumAgeSexual DimorphismMorphometric Assessment of Human Corpus Callosum on Cadaveric Brain Specimens.Journal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, IndiaDepartment of Surgery, Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, IndiaDepartment of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India.