Srikrishna, GMathai, DAbraham, O CKaur, AKanagasabapathy, A SPulimood, B M1994-04-012009-05-311994-04-012009-05-311994-04-01Srikrishna G, Mathai D, Abraham OC, Kaur A, Kanagasabapathy AS, Pulimood BM. IgG multiple myeloma and alloalbuminemia: as unusual association. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1994 Apr; 42(4): 331-2 Protein ElectrophoresisBone Marrow --pathologyHumansImmunoglobulin G --bloodMaleMiddle AgedMultiple Myeloma --diagnosisPolymorphism, GeneticSerum Albumin --geneticsIgG multiple myeloma and alloalbuminemia: as unusual association.Case Reports