Singh, B RPandey, ArtiThackral, Ankit M2017-02-062017-02-062014-04Singh B R, Pandey Arti, Thackral Ankit M. Laryngeal Myxoma: Emergency Management. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014 Apr; 24(11):1027-1033. 65-year-old male presented with stridor and dysphonia in emergency clinic of Govt. CIMS Medical College, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. Indirect laryngoscopic examination revealed a polypoidal lesion in glottic chink. CT scan evaluation confirmed the findings of clinical examination. Patient was relived of symptoms after emergency tracheotomy followed by surgical removal of polypoidal lesion from right vocal cord by microlaryngeal surgery. Histopathological examination revealed myxoma. Clinical examination after 8 months showed significant improvement in hoarseness of voice with no evidence of recurrence of lesion.enMyxomalarynxvocal cordpolypLaryngeal Myxoma: Emergency Management.Article