Rana, RadhamohanBhandar, RohitPatil, Sharangouda S.2017-01-142017-01-142015Rana Radhamohan, Bhandar Rohit, Patil Sharangouda S. Freeman Sheldon Syndrome with Characteristic Whistling Face and Windmill Vane Hand Deformity. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 10(6):1-6.2231-0614http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/181769Freeman-Sheldon syndrome (FSS) is an extremely rare syndrome with only about 100 cases reported [1]. It was first described by Freeman and Sheldon in 1938 [2]. It is characterized by oropharyngeal abnormalities, contractures of the hands and feet and a characteristic "whistling" facies. We report a male neonate of Freeman Sheldon Syndrome presenting with small mouth (microstomia) and pursed lips, prominent nasolabial folds and bilateral distal arthrogryposis. A brief review of literature has also been added.enFreeman sheldon syndromedistal arthrogryposis type 2AFreeman Sheldon Syndrome with Characteristic Whistling Face and Windmill Vane Hand Deformity.Article