Rahman, MUddin, ADas, G CAkanda, N I2007-07-222009-05-272007-07-222009-05-272007-07-22Rahman M, Uddin A, Das GC, Akanda NI. A giant vesical calculus. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2007 Jul; 16(2 Suppl): S57-59http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/1007Mymensingh Medical Journal.Massive or giant vesical calculus is a rare entity in the recent urological practice. Males are affected more than the females. Vesical calculi are usually secondary to bladder outlet obstruction. These patients present with recurrent urinary tract infection, haematuria or with retention of urine. We report a young male patient who presented with defaecatory problems along with other urinary symptoms. The patient having an average built, non diabetic but hypertensive. The stone could be palpated by physical examination. His urea levels were within normal limits but urine examination shows infection. USG reveals bilateral hydronephrosis with multiple stones in both kidneys along with a giant vesical calculus. After controlling urinary infection and hypertention he underwent an open cystolithotomy. During operation digital rectal help was needed to remove the stone as it was adherent with bladder mucosa. Post operative period was uneventful. His urinary output was quite normal and had no defaecatory problems. Patient left the hospital 10 days after operation.engAdultHumansMaleUrinary Bladder --pathologyUrinary Bladder Calculi --diagnosisUrolithiasis --diagnosisA giant vesical calculus.Case Reports