Bhatnagar, ShinjiniLodha, RakeshChoudhury, PannaSachdev, H P SShah, NitinNarayan, SushmaWadhwa, NityaMakhija, PreetiKunnekel, KeyaUgra, Deepak2007-06-112009-05-272007-06-112009-05-272007-06-11Bhatnagar S, Lodha R, Choudhury P, Sachdev HP, Shah N, Narayan S, Wadhwa N, Makhija P, Kunnekel K, Ugra D. IAP guidelines 2006 on hospital based management of severely malnourished children (adapted from the WHO Guidelines). Indian Pediatrics. 2007 Jun; 44(6): 443-61 --prevention & controlHospitalizationHumansIndiaInpatientsInternational CooperationMalnutrition --diagnosisNutritional StatusPractice Guidelines as Topic --standardsSeverity of Illness IndexSickness Impact ProfileSocieties, MedicalWorld Health OrganizationIAP guidelines 2006 on hospital based management of severely malnourished children (adapted from the WHO Guidelines).Journal Article