Chinmay, ChetanSharma, SuvasiniMathur, Surendra BJain, PuneetAneja, Satinder2020-04-232020-04-232020-03Chinmay Chetan, Sharma Suvasini, Mathur Surendra B, Jain Puneet, Aneja Satinder. Clinical Profile and Short-term Outcome of Pediatric Status Epilepticus at a Tertiary-care Center in Northern India. Indian Pediatrics. 2020 Mar; 57(3): 213-2170974-75590019-6061 To assess clinical profile and short term treatmentoutcomes of pediatric status epilepticus (SE) at a tertiary-carecenter in northern India.Methods: Prospective cohort study enrolled children aged 1month to 18 years presenting with SE to the emergencydepartment. Enrolled children (109) were treated as per hospitalprotocols. Clinical features during hospitalization were noted.Pediatric overall performance category (POPC) scale was usedfor classification of outcome at the time of discharge.Results: Acute symptomatic etiology was identified in 66(60.6%) cases (CNS infections were predominant). Previousdiagnosis of epilepsy was found in 32 (29.4%) children; andbenzodiazepine responsive SE were seen in 65 (59.6%)children. Predictors of unfavorable outcome were acutesymptomatic etiology (adjusted OR 4.50; 95% CI 1.49, 13.62) andno treatment administered prior to hospital (adjusted OR 3.97;95% CI 1.06, 14.81).Conclusions: Acute symptomatic etiology, mainly acute CNSinfections, is the leading cause of SE in this region. Early and pre-hospital management with benzodiazepines may improve SEoutcome.Epilepsy,EtiologySeizuresTreatmentClinical Profile and Short-term Outcome of Pediatric Status Epilepticus at a Tertiary-care Center in Northern IndiaJournal ArticleIndiaDivision of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated Kalawati SaranChildren Hospital, New Delhi, India