Maiti, KrishnenduSaraf, SiddharthDatta, ChhandaPal, Dilip Kumar2020-01-022020-01-022018-01Maiti Krishnendu, Saraf Siddharth, Datta Chhanda, Pal Dilip Kumar. Primary Transitional Cell Carcinoma Of Bulbar Urethra. Indian Journal of Case Reports. 2018 Jan; 4(1): 40-422454-129X2454-1303 urethral carcinoma (UC) is a rare entity, and bulbar UCs of transitional cell origin are even rarer. Primary presentation as a scrotal abscess and urethrocutaneous fistula is rarely documented in UC patients. We present a case of a 66-year-old male presenting to emergency department with a scrotal abscess. Following blind incision and drainage, the urethral injury was suspected, and biopsy of suspicious lesion was taken from scrotum which came out to be invasive transitional cell carcinoma. A wide local excision of the tumor was done after workup. Hence, all patients with scrotal abscess and urethrocutaneous fistula should be investigated before performing any blind procedure.Primary Transitional Cell Carcinoma Of Bulbar UrethraJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Urology, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India