Kapoor, MuneetHakim, TajamulFarooq, ShahidFarooq, UzmaShah, AjazKhursheed, Salman2020-01-022020-01-022019-05Kapoor Muneet, Hakim Tajamul, Farooq Shahid, Farooq Uzma, Shah Ajaz, Khursheed Salman. Role of Postoperative Antibiotics in Exodontias Following Simple Extraction-A Clinical Study. Annals of International medical and Dental Research. 2019 May; 5(3): 34-372395-28222395-2814http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/189231The aim of our study is to assess the need for postoperative antibiotics following simple exodontia and determine its role in minimizing patient discomfort and postoperative complications. Methods: All the patients undergoing simple extractions were grouped into two categories: Group 1, patients receiving antibiotics, and Group 2, patients receiving no antibiotics. Patients were recalled on the sixth day to assess postoperative complications. On recall, patients were evaluated for signs of persistent inflammation and signs of dry socket. Presence of persistent inflammation and/or suppuration on the 6th day was considered as wound infection. Results: A total of 200 patients were included in this study. Out of the total sample, 185 (92.5%) presented with no postoperative complications and 15 (7.5%) had postoperative complications, out of which 12 (6%) patients presented with dry socket (alveolar osteitis), 5 (5%) in the antibiotic group and 7 (7%) in the non-antibiotic group. Only 3 patient (1.5%) was reported with infection of the extraction socket 1 in antibiotic group and 2 in the non-antibiotic group. Conclusion: Antibiotics are not required after simple extractions in patients who are not medically comprised nor do they have any role in preventing postoperative complications.ExtractionExodontiasPostoperative AntibioticsRole of Postoperative Antibiotics in Exodontias Following Simple Extraction-A Clinical StudyJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, GDC, Srinagar.Government Dental College Srinagar.