Ahmad, S ShamshadAkhtar, KafilAkhtar, S ShakeelNasir, Andleeb Abrari AliaKhalid, MMansoor, Tariq2016-02-012016-02-012006-10Ahmad S Shamshad, Akhtar Kafil, Akhtar S Shakeel, Nasir Andleeb Abrari Alia, Khalid M, Mansoor Tariq. Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Abdominal Masses. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2006 Oct-Dec;8(4): 200-204http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/171345Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal masses. Material Methods: 200 patients with abdominal lump were subjected to fine needle aspiration biopsy by a 20-22 G needle and smears prepared were stained with H & E and Papanicolaou stains. Histopathological specimens were processed and stained with H & E stain and a cytohistological correlative study performed. 128 (74%) were females and 72 (36%) were males. 83 cases (41.5%) had a mass in the hepatobiliary region, out of which 53 (63.9%) had a mass in the gall bladder. Malignant lesion constituted the commonest cytologic diagnostic category 115 cases (57.5%). Adenocarcinoma gall bladder was found in 31 cases (37.3%) followed by metastatic adenocarcinoma liver in 12 cases (14.5%) and hepatocellular carcinoma in 8 cases (9.6%). Adenocarcinoma stomach 8 cases (18.6%) was the commonest GI malignancy followed by adenocarcinoma intestine 7 cases (16.3%). Serous cystadenocarcinoma comprised the commonest ovarian cancer, 5 cases (12.5%) followed by mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, 2 cases (5.1%). Overall sensitivity of 94.11%, specificity of 100% and diagnostic accuracy of 95.7% was found in the present cytohistological correlative study.enFNABliver cancerovarian cancerGI cancerUltrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Abdominal MassesArticle