Agarwal, RuchiAgarwal, DeeptiGathwal, Monika B.Kaur, Saluja SwarnSindhu, Anjali2020-11-182020-11-182019-07Agarwal Ruchi, Agarwal Deepti, Gathwal Monika B., Kaur Saluja Swarn, Sindhu Anjali. Collision Tumour of Ovary: A Report of Two Cases.. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2019 Jul; 8(3): 108-1122231-4261 tumour is defined as the presence of two distinct tumours in the same organ without any histological intermixing. Such tumours involving ovaries are extremely rare. We are presenting report of two cases of ovarian collision tumour. Our first case revealed features of mature cystic teratoma with mucinous cystadenoma. The second case showed components of both mature cystic teratoma and serous cystadenoma. Correct diagnosis of collision tumour will guide the surgeon towards proper treatment and favorable prognosis of patient.Collision Tumor OvaryMucinous CystadenomaSerous CystadenomaTeratomaCollision Tumour of Ovary: A Report of Two Cases.Journal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Pathology, Bhagat Phool Singh Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kala, Sonepat- 124305(Haryana) India