AMARASINGHE, HAU2011-02-142011-02-1419931993AMARASINGHE, HAU, Study on the correlation between biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) for diffrent industrial waste waters., University of Colombo UC(SCI), 1993: p. M.Sc., University of Colombo: UC(SCI), 1993.The two important parametere used in estimating the degree of organic pollution in waste waters are the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and the chemical oxygen demand (COD). The determination of BOD is tedious and time consuming.Its precision is poor since it depends on biochemical factors. But the determination of COD is usually pracise, time saving and is not dependent on biochemical factors. The main objective of this research study was to investigate the possible existence of any consistent correlation between BOD and COd for easte watersfrom diffelation be food pracessing industries. As a prelimnary study,syntheticsamples of water containing glucose and phthalate were analysed separately.The existence of a significant positive correlation between BOD3 and COD for twosynthetic samples was observed. The correlation coefficient (r) or glucose was found to be 0.97 and that of phthalate 0.96. No correlation between viable bacteria counts and BOD3 was observed. The correlation coefficients were also obtained for samples of effluentsfrom three different food industries, namely non alcoholic carbonated beveragewith an ice cream factory (r=0.87), fruit and vegetable processing factory (r=0.93) and dairy product factory (r=0.89).........en-USUniversity of Colombo, UC(SCI): Sri Lanka HELLIS NetworkEnvironmental pollutantsIndustrial WasteEnvironmental Monitoring-methodsWater Pollution-analysisOxygen-metabolismOxygen-analysisStudy on the correlation between biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) for diffrent industrial waste waters.Thesis