ShashikanthSatishkumar, U.Polisgowdar, B. S.Kulkarni, PSRajesh, N. L.Desai, B. K.2024-09-242024-09-242023-12Shashikanth, Satishkumar U., Polisgowdar B. S., Kulkarni PS, Rajesh N. L., Desai B. K. . Geospatial Interpolative Analytics of Gauged Rainfall in Network under Semi-arid Situation of Krishna Basin on a Watershed Scale . International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 2023 Dec; 13(6): 907-9182581-8627 as a Geospatial interpolative delineation of optimal radial distance around existing rainfall stations with in the purview of flat land (1-3 %) watershed (Hti-2 4D7B3) situated in Krishna basin. The smaller (15 and 30 min) and medium (45 min to 1h 45 min) events of the were analyzed focusing on their distribution whereas events of longer duration (>2 h) analyzed with their depth across 14 gauging stations. Analysis of 14 gauged rainfall network stations and their corresponding rainfall data during 2014-2020 used to derive relationship between recurring events of classified duration (15 min to 2 h) vis-a-vis weighted influence of number and depth due to spatial morphology and limitations of watershed. The event vise rainfall network distribution of Huti-2 watershed found to be significantly uniform in number and depth within the radial distance upto 3 km around each station prevailed by strong coefficient of determinant (R2) more than 0.8.Gauged rainfall networkgeospatial variabilitykrishna basinmorphologysemi- aridspatial rainfallGeospatial Interpolative Analytics of Gauged Rainfall in Network under Semi-arid Situation of Krishna Basin on a Watershed ScaleJournal ArticleIndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, IndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, IndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, IndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, IndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, IndiaUniversity of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, India