Britto, A John DeGracelin, D Herin Sheeba2015-08-202015-08-202011-07Britto A John De, Gracelin D Herin Sheeba. zadiracta indica a juss - a potential antimicrobial agent against xanthomonas campestris. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2011 Jul-Sept; 2(3): 374-378.0976-4550 leaves, stem, flowers and fruits of Azadiracta indica .A Juss. which have some medicinal applications were investigated. Phytochemical analysis gave positive results for steroids, triterpinoids, reducing sugars, sugars, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and tannins. The crude methanol extracts showed growth inhibitory effects on Xanthomonas campestris. The methanol extract of the leaves and fruits showed significant inhibitory effect when compared with positive controls, neomycin and kanamycin respectively. The stem and flowers extracts show marked antibacterial activity. Among these samples, the MIC value of leaves and fruits determined by serial dilution technique was found to be 32μg/ml and 64μg/ml against Xanthomonas campestris respectively.enPhytochemical analysiscrude extractsAntibacterial screeningzadiracta indica a juss - a potential antimicrobial agent against xanthomonas campestris.Article