Chandail, Vijant SinghSingh, PritpalMahajan, Annil2016-02-112016-02-112014-04Chandail Vijant Singh, Singh Pritpal, Mahajan Annil. Unilateral Lingual Hemangiomatosis. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2014 Apr-June; 16(2): 83-85. are characterized by hyperplasia of blood vessels, usually veins and capillaries, in a focal area of submucosal connective tissue.We hereby report a case of unilateral lingual hemangiomatosis in a 57 years old female who presented to us with abnormal speech and blueish patches over the tongue.enHemangiomaBenign TumorLingual HemangiomatosisUnilateral Lingual Hemangiomatosis.Article