Mani, IndraChaudhary, Dharmendra KumarSomvanshi, PallaviSingh, Vijai2015-06-012015-06-012010-08Mani Indra, Chaudhary Dharmendra Kumar, Somvanshi Pallavi, Singh Vijai. Codon optimization of the potential antigens encoding genes from mycobacterium tuberculosis. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2010 Aug-Oct; 1(2): 292-301.0976-4550 approach for controlling of tuberculosis is going on by recommended doses of vaccines. Codon optimization and simulation techniques are used to improve the protein expression in living organism by increasing their translational efficiency of gene of interest. We have designed; optimized the codon and simulated in nineteen indigenous genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv in the Escherichia coli. We minimized the G+C content in optimized genes from 64.75% to 59.67% of the studied genes as the richness of G+C content is reflected in a strong bias. CAI and AT of optimized DNA were enhanced by 1.9 (47.8%) and 1.1 (12.5%) fold more with respect to its native type. Our finding indicates the optimized genes can be useful for over expression in host and the study provides a new insight for the emerging research in synthetic biology.enMycobacterium tuberculosiscodon biasoptimizationCAIVaccines.Codon optimization of the potential antigens encoding genes from mycobacterium tuberculosis.Article