S., Dr. Sumithra Devi2023-07-212023-07-212022-08S. Dr. Sumithra Devi. RECREATING HOME: AN ANALYSIS OF PREETHI NAIR'S ONE HUNDRED SHADES OF WHITE. Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2022 Aug; 11(8): 68-692277-8160http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/220579Immigrant writers depict the multi-cultural ethos, which gyrate around questions of belonging, race, gender, sexuality, cultural differences and multiple identities. This involves the recognition of 'difference', 'otherness' 'femaleness', 'colour', 'ethnicity', in short, pluralism as such. The writers reveal the Indian diaspora as heterogeneous and not as something monolithic, for the paradigms from within which each immigrant writer works out her raw materials vary. The nuances of cultural interaction become the striking thematic link evident in their works. They incorporate the experiences of dislocation experienced by immigrant women protagonists in their respective foreign spaces. The Indian immigrants, who vacillate between the two cultures, confront identity crisis which is painful, yet inevitable. Preethi Nair's One Hundred Shades of White depicts the attempts made by the protagonists Nalini and Maya to ?nd a meaningful place for themselves in the foreign culture to which they have migrated.homelandothernessdiscrimination rootsidentity crisisRECREATING HOME: AN ANALYSIS OF PREETHI NAIR'S ONE HUNDRED SHADES OF WHITEJournal ArticleIndiaAsst. Professor in English, T.K.M. College of Arts and Science, Kollam