Ravikumar, KKhope, SGanapathi, B P1989-04-012009-06-021989-04-012009-06-021989-04-01Ravikumar K, Khope S, Ganapathi BP. Littre's hernia in a child--an operative surprise (a case report). Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1989 Apr; 35(2): 112-3http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/115419The incidence of Littre's hernia in children is unknown. The diagnosis is usually made at operation or autopsy. One case in an eight month old infant is described. Heterotropic mucoglandular tissue causing nodularity and adhesions was noted in the diverticulum. Though histological findings in Littre's hernia are not mentioned in previous reports, we believe that Littre's hernia could often be associated heterotropic mucosa.engHernia, Inguinal --complicationsHumansInfantMaleMeckel Diverticulum --complicationsLittre's hernia in a child--an operative surprise (a case report).Case Reports