Gupta, R KMittal, Ravi2016-01-222016-01-222001-07Gupta R K, Mittal Ravi. Role of Arthroscopy in Disorders of Knee Joint An Analysis of 30 Cases. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2001 July-Sept; 3 (3): 116-119 cases of various disorders of knee joint were subjected to an arthroscopic examination in order to confirm/alter the diagnosis and simultaneously correct the pathology detected. Torn menisci and ACL tear constitured the large percentage of cases. Partial menisectomy was the most commonly performed procedure accounting for 47% of cases. The superiority of arthroscopy in diagnosing and treating various disorders of knee joint was proved beyond doubt.enJointsArthroscopyRole of Arthroscopy in Disorders of Knee Joint An Analysis of 30 CasesArticle