Mittal, ShilekhKaur, NavpreetRai, GurmanjitChanana, AshokRai, HakumatDalal, J S2012-11-292012-11-292005-10Mittal Shilekh, Kaur Navpreet, Rai Gurmanjit, Chanana Ashok, Rai Hakumat, Dalal J S. Cost of medical treatment triggering homicide on attempted suicide. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2005 Oct; 27(4): 268-269. science has opened lot of venues to save the precious lives. The media is responsible for wide spread acquaintance of these developments even to the economically down trodden. These highly advanced methods of intensive care are definitely very costly are beyond the reach of even a middle class family but this notion do not immediately restrict anybody from obtaining such kind of aids.enCost of medical treatmentsuicideHealth Care CostsHomicide --etiologyHumansSuicide, Attempted --economicsSuicide, Attempted --etiologySuicide, Attempted --therapyCost of medical treatment triggering homicide on attempted suicide.Article