Magu, SMalhotra, RGupta, K BMishra, D S2000-04-012009-05-272000-04-012009-05-272000-04-01Magu S, Malhotra R, Gupta KB, Mishra DS. Role of computed tomography in patients with hemoptysis and a normal chest skiagram. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 2000 Apr-Jun; 42(2): 101-4 patients of hemoptysis with a normal skiagram chest were evaluated by computed tomography. Majority of the patients were between 21 to 50 years of age. Seventy percent had mild hemoptysis while 30 percent had moderate hemoptysis. Computed tomography provided diagnostic information in 16 patients (53%). The various aetiologies were bronchiectasis (20%), tuberculosis (20%), pneumonia (6.7%), bronchial carcinoid in one case and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in one case. Computed tomography may play a role in screening patients who present with hemoptysis with normal chest radiographs.engAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overDiagnosis, DifferentialFemaleHemoptysis --etiologyHumansLung --pathologyLung Diseases --complicationsMaleMiddle AgedRadiography, ThoracicTomography, X-Ray ComputedRole of computed tomography in patients with hemoptysis and a normal chest skiagram.Journal Article