Singh, M MBano, TDabas, PMehra, M2001-08-252009-05-292001-08-252009-05-292001-08-25Singh MM, Bano T, Dabas P, Mehra M. Awareness about pulse polio immunization among the general population in Delhi. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001 Aug; 55(8): 453-7 study was conducted in three intensive pulse polio immunization (IPPI) centres in Delhi on 24th September, 2000 to assess the awareness about poliomyelitis and the IPPI programme. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit the information from 182 accompanying persons (41 males and 141 females) by qualified medical doctors. Majority (92.9%) of the respondents knew that the administered drops were polio vaccine. Major sources of information were television (32.9%), relatives or friends (24.2%), health staff (20.9%), poster or leaflets (15.9%). Only 18.1% knew the next IPPI day. Out of 43 claiming to know the number of subsequent IPPI days during 2000, only 22 could tell correctly. A large number of respondents (86.2%) knew that IPPI would help in preventing polio in children. Paralysis of limbs as a clinical feature of polio was known to 70.3%, 45.6% knew that polio cannot be cured and 21.9% perceived that polio could also lead to death. The nationwide intensive awareness campaign for polio eradication was found to be partially effective in disseminating the information.engAdolescentAdultAgedFemaleHealth EducationHumansImmunization ProgramsImmunization ScheduleIndiaMaleMiddle AgedPoliomyelitis --prevention & controlAwareness about pulse polio immunization among the general population in Delhi.Journal Article