Sood, AjitMidha, VandanaMehta, VarunSharma, SaritMittal, RashamThara, AmandeepSood, NeenaKaur, Amarjeet2012-09-142012-09-142010-05Sood Ajit, Midha Vandana, Mehta Varun, Sharma Sarit, Mittal Rasham, Thara Amandeep, Sood Neena, Kaur Amarjeet. How sustained is sustained viral response in patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2010 May-Jun; 29(3): 112-115. Sustained virological response (SVR) is achieved in a high proportion of patientswith chronic hepatitis C infection, particularly those with genotype 2 or 3 HCV infection. However, data on long-term durability of virological response in patients who achieve SVR are limited. Aim To evaluate the long-term durability of virological response in patients who have achieved SVR with interferon-based combination therapy. Methods One hundred patients with chronic HCV infection who had obtained SVR after IFN and ribavirin combination therapy were followed up for up to 8 years with annual HCV RNA testing. Results During a followed up of 6 months to 8 years, 8 of 100 patients with initial SVR developed late relapse of HCV infection. Relapse was more common in patients who had cirrhosis (5/28 [18%] vs. (3/72 [4%] with no cirrhosis; p=0.037). Conclusion SVR is durable in most patients, but some patients do have late relapse; long term follow up may be particularly important in a subset of patients with HCV infection who have liver cirrhosis.enHepatocellular carcinomaPegylated interferonSustained viral responseHow sustained is sustained viral response in patients with hepatitis C virus infection.Article