Gupta, Ravinder KGupta, Ritu2016-01-292016-01-292005-04Gupta Ravinder k, Gupta Ritu. Clinical Profile of Pica in Childhood. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2005 Apr-June;7(2): 93-95 various aspects of clinical profile in 200 children (18 months to 10 years) with pica have been highlighted. There was a definite male predominance and majority of children belonged to 2– 4 year age group. Direct history of pica was given by 32% mothers. Cough, pain abdomen, poor appetite, increasing pallor, abdominal fullness etc were other presenting features. Clay, sand, mud, plaster, uncooked rice, paper, clothes etc were material used for pica. Intestinal parasites were quite commonenPicaCoughClayClinical Profile of Pica in ChildhoodArticle