Boegli, Yann OlivierGioanni, SimoneSteenberghe, Mathieu vanPouard, Philippe2013-07-162013-07-162013-07Boegli Yann Olivier, Gioanni Simone, Steenberghe Mathieu van, Pouard Philippe. Levosimendan in a neonate with severe coarctation of aorta and low cardiac output syndrome. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2013 Jul; 16(3): 212-214. report successful use of levosimendan after failed balloon angioplasty in a critically ill neonate with coarctation of aorta (CoA) and severe low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Treatment with levosimendan improved left heart function, and decreased lactate and brain natriuretic peptide levels. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the safe and successful use of levosimendan in the management of LCOS due to severe CoA in a neonate awaiting surgical repair.enCoarctation of aortaBalloon angioplastyBrain natriuretic peptideLevosimendanLow cardiac output syndromeAngioplasty, BalloonAortic Coarctation --complicationsAortic Coarctation --surgeryAortic Coarctation --therapyCardiac Output, Low --bloodCardiac Output, Low --complicationsCardiac Output, Low --drug therapyCardiotonic Agents --therapeutic useHumansHydrazonesInfant, NewbornLactic Acid --bloodNatriuretic Peptide, Brain --bloodPyridazinesVasodilator Agents --administration & dosageLevosimendan in a neonate with severe coarctation of aorta and low cardiac output syndrome.Article