Patni, Bansuri BharatkumarPurohit, Asha PoonamchandModi, Madhur YogendraPrajapati, Vipul Bachubhai2023-06-172023-06-172022-01Patni Bansuri Bharatkumar, Purohit Asha Poonamchand, Modi Madhur Yogendra, Prajapati Vipul Bachubhai. Correlation of Red Blood Cell Indices and RBC Histogram with Peripheral Blood Smear Findings in Anemia. Journal of The Indian Medical Association. 2022 Jan; 120(1): 17-210019-5847 advent of automation has made diagnosis of Anemia and to some extent its underlying cause easy. The objective of our study is to correlate RBC indices and RBC Histogram findings with peripheral smear to provide a better approach in accurate diagnosis of Anemia and to analyze their limitations. All cases of Anemia as per WHO reference range of Hemoglobin levels were included in our study. Patients who have received medical treatment for Anemia in past three months, patients having recent history of blood transfusion, patients having Leukemia or Leukemoid reactions were excluded from the study. Venous blood samples collected from these patients were run in SYSMEX automated hematology analyzer and complete blood count, Red Blood Cell (RBC) indices ie, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) and RBC Histogram were obtained and peripheral smears were examined. Anemia typing was done based on RBC indices and position, shape and skewing of RBC histograms, followed by peripheral smear examination for morphological typing of Anemia. The diagnoses made by peripheral smear versus RBC histogram and indices were compared and analysedAutomated hematology analyzersMicrocytic hypochromic anemiaMacrocytic anemiaDimorphic populationCorrelation of Red Blood Cell Indices and RBC Histogram with Peripheral Blood Smear Findings in AnemiaJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Pathology, GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Ahmedabad 380025MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee, 2nd year ResidentMD (Pathology), Associate ProfessorMD (Pathology), Assistant Professor and Corresponding AuthorMD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of Medicine