Veer, VijayGopalan, NKumar, SantoshPrakash, Shri2009-05-282009-05-282002-08-25Veer V, Gopalan N, Kumar S, Prakash S. Bioassay of three sulphur containing compounds as rat attractant admixed in cereal-based bait against Rattus rattus Linn. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2002 Aug; 40(8): 941-4 sulphur containing compounds, carbon disulphide, dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl sulphide were bioassayed for preference after admixing them in cereal base as ready bait block for use against commensal rat, R. rattus (wild type) in four way choice chamber system. Rat preference for different baits was also studied with automatic recording animal activity meter. Rats exhibited attractancy to the baits at 0.005% concentration of all the three compounds while at 0.01% concentration they have showed repellency. Dimethyl sulphide at 0.005% concentration showed better attractancy towards both sexes of rat.engAnimalsCarbon Disulfide --pharmacologyCerealsDisulfides --pharmacologyFemaleMaleMovementOdorsRatsRodent ControlRodenticides --pharmacologySulfides --pharmacologyBioassay of three sulphur containing compounds as rat attractant admixed in cereal-based bait against Rattus rattus Linn.Comparative Study