Chen, C CHuang, J LYang, K DChen, H J2009-05-272009-05-272000-03-28Chen CC, Huang JL, Yang KD, Chen HJ. Atopic cataracts in a child with atopic dermatitis: a case report and review of the literature. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology. 2000 Mar; 18(1): 69-71 by the Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand. 10 references.Cataracts induced by atopic dermatitis rarely occur in adolescent and young adult patients suffering from this problem. Lenticular opacity is an important ocular complication in atopic dermatitis. Although the cause of atopic dermatitis and its ocular complications are unknown, cataracts have been observed to develop and progress during periods of exacerbation of the dermatitis. We report the case of a 16-year-old boy with atopic dermatitis who abruptly developed cataracts in both eyes while suffering from severe skin itching which began 2 months before the initial examination. His peroxidation test result was very high, and we postulate the retinal peroxidation might play a key role in cataractogenesis. Lens aspiration and intraocular artificial lens implantation were performed smoothly with restoration of visual acuity in both eyes.engAdolescentCataract --etiologyCataract ExtractionDermatitis, Atopic --complicationsHumansMalePeroxides --metabolismRespiratory BurstAtopic cataracts in a child with atopic dermatitis: a case report and review of the literature.Case Reports