Campbell, Alastair V2014-08-062014-08-062013-01Campbell Alastair V. Can virtue prevail? Safeguarding integrity in medicine and science. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2013 Jan-Mar ; 10 (1): 11-13. have been given the privilege and opportunity of summing up one of the major ethical issues that has been thoroughly explored in this scholarly conference. Can science and medicine retain or recover their ethical integrity? Let me start with a disclaimer: there are no easy answers to the dilemmas of unethical behaviour in contemporary medicine and science, and I certainly would not aspire to provide one.enClinical Trials as Topic --ethicsEthics, MedicalFraud --ethicsFraud --prevention & controlHumansIndiaScientific Misconduct --ethicsVirtuesCan virtue prevail? Safeguarding integrity in medicine and science.Article