Singh, Shivaram PrasadMeher, ChudamaniAgrawal, Omprakash2006-04-092009-06-042006-04-092009-06-042006-04-09Singh SP, Meher C, Agrawal O. Biliary ascariasis associated with chronic calcific pancreatitis of the tropics. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2006 Apr-Jun; 27(2): 99-100 case of biliary ascariasis associated with Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis of the tropics in a 50-year-old lady is reported. Although acute pancreatitis is a common complication of biliary ascariasis, there are no reports linking ascariasis to chronic pancreatitis. The association of these two entities in the present case is most probably coincidental as both these entities are not very uncommon in coastal Orissa.engAnimalsAscariasis --complicationsAscaris lumbricoidesBiliary Tract Diseases --complicationsCalculi --complicationsFemaleHumansMiddle AgedPancreatitis, Chronic --complicationsBiliary ascariasis associated with chronic calcific pancreatitis of the tropics.Case Reports