Mutalib, N S ASoleh, N MIrfan, M2015-12-072015-12-072011Mutalib N S A, Soleh N M, M Irfan. Extraparotid Warthin's tumour: usual tumour adjacent to usual site. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2011; 10(4): 296-298.2223-47212076-0299 neck swelling is a common presentation in ORL practice. The complexity of the neck structures warrants a thorough examination and investigation to narrow down the differential diagnosis. Neoplasm need to be ruled out especially if the neck swelling present in an adult. We report a case of a lateral neck mass being treated as lymphadenopathy before the patient defaulted follow up. The patient represented after 3 years and investigations performed. FNAC revealed sialadenosis but radiologically and intra-operatively consistently showed the mass located outside parotid gland. The final diagnosis of Whartin's confirmed after the HPE evaluation. The diagnosis dilemma is discussed.enLateral neck sellingwarthin's tumourextra parotidExtraparotid Warthin's tumour: usual tumour adjacent to usual site.Article