Billa, GauriJoshi, ShirishSalagre, SantoshThakkar, Karan2016-03-142016-03-142015Billa Gauri, Joshi Shirish, Salagre Santosh, Thakkar Karan. A Prospective Drug Utilization Study in Geriatric Hypertensive Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Mumbai. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 5(2): 178-190. The geriatric population assumes great significance in terms of both preventive and curative health care services utilized. The patho-physio-psychological changes associated with ageing make their problems unique. In the geriatric population, hypertension accounts for a huge proportion of cardiovascular and all cause mortality and morbidity. We conducted a study to describe the patterns of antihypertensive drug use in the geriatric population, compare it to the current recommendations and conduct an analysis using the WHO-INRUD drug use indicators. Methods: A prospective cross sectional drug utilization study of 100 prescriptions of hypertensive patients (as per JNC 7) of either sex and ≥60 years was undertaken as per the WHO – DUS and the STROBE guidelines. Results: Statistically significant relation was found between BP control, and addictions and CIRSG score. The 100 prescriptions contained 344 drugs, out of which, 171 were antihypertensive drugs. Three percent of antihypertensive drugs were prescribed by generic names. Seventy nine percent of antihypertensive drugs were prescribed from the ‘hospital drug schedule’. Amlodipine, Hydrochlorothiazide, Losartan and Telmisartan were prescribed to 79%, 24%, 11%, 11% respectively. The combination of ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blocker) + Diuretic was prescribed to 36% and that of ARB + CCB (Calcium Channel Blocker) was prescribed to 21%. The PDD/DDD ratios of Carvedilol, Losartan, Furosemide and Telmisartan were 0.7, 0.8,1 and1.2, respectively. Conclusion: Creating awareness regarding the role of addiction in BP control and advocating lifestyle changes is paramount in HTN management. Overall, the principles of rational prescribing were followed. The prescription pattern observed was as per current recommendations.enJNCprescribing pattern analysiscardiovascular drugsanatomical therapeuticchemical classificationdaily defined doseprescribed daily dosecumulative illness rating scale for geriatricsaddictionsrational drug useA Prospective Drug Utilization Study in Geriatric Hypertensive Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Mumbai.Article