Pathak, PriyaliKapil, Umesh2004-11-022009-05-302004-11-022009-05-302004-11-02Pathak P, Kapil U. Role of trace elements zinc, copper and magnesium during pregnancy and its outcome. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2004 Nov; 71(11): 1003-5 references.Trace element deficiencies have been documented to play an important role in determination of the fetal outcome. Pregnant women in developing countries have been reported to consume diets with a lower density of minerals and vitamins. Deficiencies of trace elements like zinc, copper and magnesium have been implicated in various reproductive events like infertility, pregnancy wastage, congenital anomalies, pregnancy induced hypertension, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, still births and low birth weight. The present review article highlights the important of role played by zinc, copper and magnesium during pregnancy and its outcome. The role of individual trace elements and in combination with other trace elements has not been completely documented. There is a need to undertake further studies in this field.engAdolescentAdultCopper --metabolismDeficiency Diseases --drug therapyFemaleFetal Nutrition Disorders --prevention & controlHumansMagnesium --metabolismMagnesium Deficiency --diagnosisPregnancyPregnancy Complications --diagnosisPregnancy OutcomePrenatal CareRisk AssessmentSeverity of Illness IndexTrace Elements --deficiencyTreatment OutcomeZinc --metabolismRole of trace elements zinc, copper and magnesium during pregnancy and its outcome.Comparative Study