Nay WinTint SweKhin Ei HanThan SweAye Aye Myint2009-06-302009-06-301994-12-011994-12-01Nay Win, Tint Swe, Khin Ei Han, Than Swe, Aye Aye Myint. Immunophenotyping of acute leukaemia. Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal. 1994; 6(3): 121-126 of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 36 patients (Male 23, female 13; age range 3-80 yrs) newly diagnosed as acute leukaemia were done during May 1991 to November 1992. All cases were diagnosed as acute leukaemias based on clinical features and peripheral blood and bone marrow findings under light microscopy. Using the indirect immunofluorescent method immunophenotypes of the leukaemic blasts were identified on peripheral blood mononuclear cells using monoclonal antibodies (CD13 as myeloid marker; CD3, CD10 and CD19 as lymphoid markers). Out of 36 patients, 19 were myeloid and 14 were lymphoid leukaemias and 3 were non-reactive with monoclonals used. The study showed a significant positive correlation between morphological diagnosis and immunophenotyping. It had established the diagnosis in 3 cases where morphology alone was unable to do it. Discrepancy between morphological diagnosis and immunophenoltyping was observed in 4 cases. The present study showed that it will be of great diagnostic as well as therapeutic value if an appropriate and wider panel of monoclonal antibodies can be used.ImmunophenotypingLeukemiaMedicine, TraditionalDiarrhea-drug therapyMyanmarImmunophenotyping of acute leukaemia