Bhate, Dr. ShreyaTambe, Dr. PranitaMisal, Dr. Ganesh2023-07-142023-07-142021-12Bhate Dr. Shreya, Tambe Dr. Pranita, Misal Dr. Ganesh. Challenges in the Diagnosis & Management of Neonatal Sepsis. VIMS Health Science Journal. 2021 Dec; 8(4): 157-1662348-523X2454-1984 sepsis is the main cause of neonatal mortality and a major public health problem, especially in underdeveloped countries. Although recent medical services have improved neonatal care, but still challenges remain in the diagnosis and management of neonatal infections. The diagnosis of neonatal sepsis is complicated by the frequent presence of non-infectious conditions that resemble sepsis, especially in preterm infants, and by the absence of optimal diagnostic tests. Since neonatal sepsis is a high-risk disease, especially in preterm infants, clinicians are compelled to empirically start antibiotics to infants with risk factors with and without signs of suspected sepsis. Unfortunately, both broad-spectrum antibiotics and prolonged treatment with empirical antibiotics are associated with adverse outcomes and increase antimicrobial resistance rates. Given the high incidence and mortality of sepsis in preterm infants and its long-term consequences on growth and development, efforts to reduce the rates of infection in this vulnerable population are one of the most important interventions in neonatal care. In this review, we discuss the most common questions and challenges in the diagnosis and management of neonatal sepsis, with a focus on developing countriesNeonatal sepsis, Newborns, NICU, AntibioticsChallenges in the Diagnosis & Management of Neonatal SepsisJournal ArticleIndiaPostgraduate StudentSenior Resident, Department of Paediatrics, DVVPF's Medical College & Hospital, Ahmednagar-414111, Maharashtra, India