Zebulun, Dr. Bandaru VictorShreya, Dr. MohantyKepha, Dr. Dirsipamu John2023-07-212023-07-212023-03Zebulun Dr. Bandaru Victor, Shreya Dr. Mohanty, Kepha Dr. Dirsipamu John. A RARE PRESENTATION OF MASSIVE PNEUMOPERITONEUM FOLLOWING INGESTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN SNACK WITHOUT IDENTIFIABLE GASTROINTESTINAL PERFORATION. Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2023 Mar; 12(3): 20-212277-8160http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/220706A 26 year old male patient presented with abdominal distension following ingestion of liquid nitrogen and was diagnosed to have massive pneumoperitoneum both clinically and radiologically. Patient underwent emergency laparotomy in search of perforation, the stomach, Intestines was examined and no hollow viscous perforation was found. All abdominal contents were normal, no tissue necrosis or haemorrhage, no free ?uid or bleeding was found in the abdomen. Two abdominal drains were placed in the lesser sac and the pelvis and abdomen were closed. The patient was stable post operatively and tolerated oral feeds and discharged on 7th post operative day. Our study revealed that despite of having massive pneumoperitoneum, site of perforation cannot be identi?edLiquid nitrogen gaspneumoperitoneumperforationA RARE PRESENTATION OF MASSIVE PNEUMOPERITONEUM FOLLOWING INGESTION OF LIQUID NITROGEN SNACK WITHOUT IDENTIFIABLE GASTROINTESTINAL PERFORATIONJournal ArticleIndiaJunior Resident, Dept Of General Surgery