Lhundrup, Sonam2016-09-092016-09-092014-02Lhundrup Sonam. Traditional Medicine Unit and Its Impact in the Communities of Dorokha Dungkhag. Men-jong So-rig Journals. 2014 Feb; 6(1): IV.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/177081Traditional Medicines has been practiced for millennia, resulting in a particularly long and rich heritage that continues to influence growing acceptance of the efficacy and clinical use of traditional herbal medicines. In Bhutan, the system of traditional medicine was officially integrated into the health care system in 1967. This essay intends to introduce some of the current situations and challenges faced by the Traditional Medicine Units in Bhutan. Awareness campaigns on the availability and health benefits of traditional medicines have been organized in Dorokha Dungkhag under Samtse Dzongkhag. Such awareness campaigns have significantly helped the community people to understand more about traditional medicine encouraging them to visit the unit for medical care.enTraditional Medicine Unit and Its Impact in the Communities of Dorokha Dungkhag.Article