Colah, R BSurve, RSawant, PD'Souza, EItalia, KPhanasgaonkar, SNadkarni, A HGorakshakar, A C2007-07-192009-05-302007-07-192009-05-302007-07-19Colah RB, Surve R, Sawant P, D'Souza E, Italia K, Phanasgaonkar S, Nadkarni AH, Gorakshakar AC. HPLC studies in hemoglobinopathies. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2007 Jul; 74(7): 657-62 references.An accurate diagnosis of beta -thalassemia carriers, homozygous patients and identification of different structural hemoglobin variants is important for epidemiological studies as well as for management and prevention of the major hemoglobin disorders. There are many electrophoretic and chromatographic approaches for estimation of HbA2 and Hb F but cation exchange HPLC (CE-HPLC)using automated dedicated machines like the Variant Hb testing system have become the method of choice for these investigations. CE-HPLC also helps in the presumptive identification of many abnormal hemoglobin variants and has been useful for both neonatal screening of sickle cell disease as well as second trimester prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia by fetal blood analysis. Other applications of HPLC in hemoglobinopathies include separation of globin chains, measuring the ratio of gamma globin chains (Ggamma/Agamma) and the recently described denaturing HPLC for detecting mutations in both alpha and beta globin genes.engChromatography, High Pressure LiquidHemoglobins, Abnormal --analysisHumansInfant, NewbornNeonatal ScreeningPrenatal DiagnosisThalassemia --bloodHPLC studies in hemoglobinopathies.Journal Article