Khanna, SudeepKumar, ArunTandon, Rishi2004-07-312009-05-292004-07-312009-05-292004-07-31Khanna S, Kumar A, Tandon R. Good's syndrome: an unusual cause of chronic diarrhea. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2004 Jul-Aug; 23(4): 152-3 50-year-old man presented with recurrent episodes of pulmonary infections over a period of 5 years, chronic small bowel diarrhea and weight loss of 6 months' duration. On evaluation he was found to have a thymoma, intestinal infection with giardia, oral candidiasis, and low immunoglobin levels. He was diagnosed to have Good's syndrome. The patient refused further management.engAnimalsAntiprotozoal Agents --therapeutic useChronic DiseaseDiarrhea --etiologyFollow-Up StudiesGiardiasis --diagnosisHumansImmunocompromised HostImmunologic Deficiency Syndromes --diagnosisMaleMiddle AgedOpportunistic Infections --diagnosisSyndromeThymoma --diagnosisThymus Neoplasms --diagnosisTreatment RefusalGood's syndrome: an unusual cause of chronic diarrhea.Case Reports