Simon, SumuAthanasiov, Paul AJain, RajeevRaymond, GrantGilhotra, Jagjit S2013-02-012013-02-012012-07Simon Sumu, Athanasiov Paul A, Jain Rajeev, Raymond Grant, Gilhotra Jagjit S. Desferrioxamine-related ocular toxicity: A case report. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012 Jul-Aug; 60(4): 315-317. 29-year-old lady receiving repeated blood transfusions for β thalassemia since childhood, presented with rapidly deteriorating symptoms of night blindness and peripheral visual field loss. She was recently commenced on high-dose intravenous desferrioxamine for reducing the systemic iron overload. Clinical and investigative findings were consistent with desferrioxamine-related pigmentary retinopathy and optic neuropathy. Recovery was partial following cessation of desferrioxamine. This report highlights the ocular side-effects of desferrioxamine mesylate and the need to be vigilant in patients on high doses of desferrioxamine.enDesferrioxamineocular toxicityoptic neuropathypigmentary retinopathyAdultBlood TransfusionDeferoxamine --toxicityFemaleHumansRetinal Diseases --chemically inducedbeta-Thalassemia --therapyDesferrioxamine-related ocular toxicity: A case report.Article