Singh, AlkaParasher, DShekhawat, G SGarg, Vijay2003-03-082009-05-312003-03-082009-05-312003-03-08Singh A, Parasher D, Shekhawat GS, Garg V. Role of community volunteers in the RNTCP. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2003 Mar; 101(3): 171-2 volunteers (CVs) along with NGOs and private sector can play an important role in successful directly observed treatment (DOT), an important element of RNTCP. The involvement of CVs can be useful in areas with poor health structure. CVs can be recruited from housewives to chowkiders in all walks of life. Many studies have shown non-health workers have performed better supervision than health workers. Successful involvement of CVs in the RNTCP depends on supervision and the standard of quality of services set by the district programme.engCommunicable Disease Control --organization & administrationCommunity Health AidesDirectly Observed TherapyHumansIndiaRoleTuberculosis --prevention & controlVoluntary WorkersRole of community volunteers in the RNTCP.Journal Article